10 money lessons, I would like to pass on to my Children (and yours too)

Jagoinvestor completed 10 yrs recently and it was a wonderful experience for these 10 yrs writing so many articles, working with thousands of investors.

While I was at my Ahmedabad office recently, I and my partner Nandish thought of an idea. We were discussing our kids (I have 1.5 yrs daughter and his son is 7 yrs old) and their future. We were wondering what kind of things we would like to teach our kids so that they can have a great financial life or life in general.

Here are those 10 lessons… Do listen to the whole talk

So we thought about why to keep things private and not share the 10 lessons we would like to pass on to our kids which can help them greatly when they start their own financial life many years in the future from now.

These 10 lessons are not those regular “start early” and “take your health insurance” kind of points. We are talking about some solid lessons which are going to impact your life overall. It’s more of a RICH mindset vs Average Mindset lessons.

Here are the topics we discussed in the video:

1) Future is an Illusion
2) Target Financial Freedom in 10 yrs
3) Speak the language of NETWORTH
4) Focus on your Health
5) Be Coachable
6) Always think in terms of Milestones
7) Look at life in sum-total
8) Slow down to Speed up
9) Be a student of Life
10) Always tell the Truth
11) Don’t Listen to Your Inner Voice (Bonus lesson)

Incase you have any thing to add to these 10 points, we would love to listen about your thoughts in the comments section.

We owe our success and whatever we have achieved to all our readers, our teams and our teachers.

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